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🕹️ Game "Bruno and Arishnev" for Android: play.google.co...
🕹️ Game "Bruno and Arishnev" for Apple: apps.apple.com...
⚡️ Official merch of Bruno and Alina: www.ozon.ru/hi...
We express our gratitude to the Aspect school on Admiralteyskaya! A place with a friendly atmosphere, strong English and mathematics, and most importantly, children love their school and are happy to run to study!
Today we lived from 1 to 11 GRADE in 24 Hours! We went back to school in real life and finished school in 24 hours! Bruno, Alina, Pashka and Kirill lived the whole school in 24 hours!
● VK - brunobroo
● Telegram - t.me/YaVilyamB...
● Instagram - / vilyambruno
● TikTok - www.tiktok.com...